/How old are you:
/What is your origin:
/What is your Dedication:
Urban life, urban architecture and design. Photos of the nature life has alway been a big passion i mine adult life.
Primary from nature, outdoor life and from hiking.
/When did your dedication start:
Doing my studies, with urban landscaping.
/How is it defined:
Nature is the driver, it's beauty and the imperfection gives me inspiration.
/How are you being comitted to your dedication:
I try to explore the world via travels and document that in my pictures.
/Express your dedication:
I love analog film and stills, and live to see the world in af different perspective.
/Giva An example of dedication:
I want to buy an old car a drive all the way through europe with my wife and kid, and take pictures of all the random places that we might end upon, my passion is my life and my hobby. I would like to buy an old car and drive to beritz and take pictures of surfers and their culture....